What are your body numbers? Hours of sleep, blood pressure, BMI, minutes of activity...?

Are there any numbers you would like to improve? Let's work together to transform your health, naturally.

Start your journey to optimal wellness today!

Hi I'm Kathy

Hi, my name is Kathy Payn, a.k.a. Coach Sunny, nice to meet you!
In my early 30's I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called ulcerative colitis. I went through a number of years with the pain and embarrassment that this condition brings. Instinctively I felt that I could do something about it, even though my doctor indicated that I would have the disease throughout my lifetime. With research and lifestyle changes, I am happy to report that I have been symptom and prescription free for 20 years now. Because I wanted to share my experience and help others, I founded MyBodyNumbers.com and furthered my education to become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.

Functional Medicine Health Coaching includes looking at all aspects of our lifestyle, including movement, nutrition, sleep, relationships, stress management, fun & recreation and personal development.

MyBodyNumbers.com helps our clients make use of "body number trending" in conjunction with health coaching. As a scientist I enjoy seeing improvements not only in the way we feel but also with solid technical data.

Everything is about you and what your goals are. We are only here to guide you and support you to reach your wellness goals!

More About Me

What Our Wonderful Clients Have To Say

  • My blood pressure is lower! I've learned to manage stress better and sleep more. Thank you Kathy and YourBodyNumbers.com!

    Felicity R. Sales Executive
  • The best investment I have ever made--IN MYSELF! I needed the encouragement and accountability to improve. Thank you so much!

    Jen A. Real Estate Broker

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