The Greatest Wealth is Health(1)!

Want to feel better, or even optimal? We are here to help you feel better because we know how better feels.

Improving health makes sense. What if you felt energetic and your skin glowed with radiance? What if you didn’t have to spend as much time going to doctors appointments and medical procedures? What if your schedule opened up to spend more time doing what you love?

At, your Health Coach will consult with you on aspects of your lifestyle that may impact your health. These areas include your movement; sleep; nutrition; career; relationships; fun & recreation; physical environment; personal growth and history. Working on your wellness from a functional medicine perspective allows you to learn about yourself. It may help you make better choices and prioritize differently.

The high cost of managing medical conditions is a concern for all. One way to take personal responsibility is to optimize wellness by making lifestyle improvements. Being proactive is typically much less expensive in the long run than paying for medical specialists, hospitals, and prescriptions and can bolster personal wealth(2).

1 Famous quote by Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro.
2 An example according to a study in 2005 by the Economics and Human Biology, decreasing BMI (Body Mass Index) by 5.8
points resulted in an increase in personal wealth by $4,085 annually. If decreased by 10 points, the wealth increase was up to
$12,720 annually.


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See you on the other side!